1. Coffee in China – a general introduction Figure 1 – Number of Cafè in Major cities in China – Source YCE China has been…

Coffee has become a cultural icon in mainland China, and has established itself as a trendy, Western luxury. We made an interview with Andrea Lattuada,…

1. INTRODUCTION A delegation of our Institute, lead by Director Alberto Di Minin, attended last week the “Asia-Europe cooperation Dialogue Forum”, organized by “The European…

1- Introduction: innovation and the role of industrial incubatorsThe theme of technological innovation has become central in the dynamics of development not only in China…

1. Introduction Those looking today at Chongqing see a bustling metropolis full of energy located in the South West of the People’s Republic of China….

Western China economic development. From quantity to quality A brief analysis of Chongqing economic development. Towards a new economic model based on innovation 1.Introduction The…

Introduction to this special “Missiva” For the 200th edition of the Missiva we decided to offer something special to our audience, giving space to the…

1. New Urbanisation in China In March 16, 2014 the State Council of China approved the implementation of the “National new urbanization plan 2014-2020”. As…

The Three Gorges Reservoir Region – a national center for tourism in Chongqing – in recent years has hosted important cultural festivals, which intend to…

After my first article for the “Galileo Observer”, where I focused on the Sino-European current situation regarding tourism, now I would to switch focus on…

Being one of the cornerstones of the changing international geopolitical order, in 2018 Sino-European relations have been put under scrutiny as never before. Since 2014,…

Prof Antonio Frisoli Director (Academic Cooperation) antonio.frisoli@santannapisa.it Mo Surong 莫素荣 Translator and Social Media Assistant surong.mo@santannapisa.it Curriculum vitae Zhang Yangxin 张扬新 Office Assistant y.zhang@santannapisa.it Curriculum Vitae Marco Bonaglia…

New event organized by our Institute and the Istituto Confucio di Pisa . Next Monday Mister Massimo Bagnasco will give a speech about commercial relations…

On 18th September 2022, Guido Giacconi passed away peacefully while visiting family in his native Italy. Co-founder and President of In3act, CEO of In3act Global…

The Italian Way of Wine – Wine education and viticulture in Tuscany November 27, 2020 – 930 am (Italian time) / 4.30 pm (China time)…

The Galileo Institute promotes breakthrough scientific studies on Chinese Innovation. This section lists the most relevant scientific activities and publications conducted and coordinated by our…

Grosseto and Maremma toscana Grosseto城市航拍图格罗塞托省 (Grosseto) 位于意大利托斯卡纳大区南部,临近第勒尼安海,是一片将悠久历史、传统文化和精美艺术完美结合的区域,众多的旅游目的地使其成为托斯卡纳大区值得一游的旅游目的地。其领土面积为4504平方公里(1739平方英里),是该地区面积最广的地区,也是意大利人口密度最低的地区之一。这个省的西北部与利沃诺(Livorno)省相邻,北部紧挨比萨 (Pisa) 省,东北部是锡耶纳 (Siena) 省,东南部是拉齐奥的维特博 (Viterbo) 省。 Maremma Toscana Maremma(马雷玛)是意大利中部西部的一个沿海地区,与第勒尼安海接壤。这片近海岸沼泽地如今是度假胜地,深受游客欢迎。它包括托斯卡纳西南部的大部分地区和拉齐奥北部的部分地区。马雷玛的面积约为5000平方公里。中部大致与Grosseto省相对应,向北延伸至Colline Metallifere和Monte Amiata的斜坡。 在Grosseto省,最美丽的地方当属海边的区域,以及那些种植着葡萄树、橄榄树、小麦和向日葵的乡村。接下来为大家重点介绍几处,供各位游览参考。 Monte Argentario 美得像幅画 Monte Argentario是Grosseto的一座半岛,其三面与大陆相连,形成两个泻湖,即中水坝西侧的Ponente湖和东侧的Levante湖。 Vetulonia考古遗址 Vetulonia是伊特鲁里亚最重要的十二个城市之一。 19世纪末,伊西多罗·法尔奇(Isidoro…

MISSIVA GALILEIANA Missiva Galileiana is a newsletter offering a weekly overview of news and events relevant to the Italian and Chinese communities, providing its readers…