RESEARCH – China Goes Global Conference in Paris!
Our executive Director last week was in Paris to attend the “China Goes Global” international conference titled “China and Globalization: Navigating the Nexus of Conflict and Cooperation” hosted by Emlyon business school.
He presented a paper written with our Director Professor Frisoli and Lorenzo Riccardi, whose title is “Connections between Africa and China. An Analysis through Case Studies”.
The papers analyses the already existing connections between China and African states, focusing on megaprojects and business experiences. The interviews included in the paper were previously published on our Institute website.
Since 2006, China goes Global™ conferences have convened a unique set of contributions on the globalization of the Chinese business environment, economy, and society. The conference is unique in several ways. First, the conference is international, inter-disciplinary and developmental in nature. The conference provides an ideal opportunity for scholars and practitioners, as well as Ph.D. students to share and discuss their most recent high-quality work with other experts in this research field.
Second, the people attending it have fun. In addition to insightful ideas, the conference also includes a reception, a performance, and great people and scholars with whom researchers and professors can network.
Finally, the conference is always accented with world re-known keynoters from the academic and business sectors.
For this year conference we are particularly thankful to the support of one of the founders of the event, our Institute dear friend and a leading China watcher and China expert, Professor Francesca Spigarelli.