如果列一份重庆旅游景点和体验项目的清单,我相信体验 “黄色法拉利”一定榜上有名。黄色,是法拉利的第二个灵魂,然而 “黄色法拉利”则是重庆人对出租车的褒奖与调侃。在重庆,只需花费数十元就可以让老练的司机师傅带你穿过隐蔽的小巷、绕过拥堵的路段,在蜿蜒的公路上体验一把赛车的风驰电掣。其实,出租车成为普通市民出行可选的交通工具,也不过三十年。 If you need a list of tourist attractions and experiences when visiting Chongqing, I believe that experiencing the “yellow Ferrari”would be on…
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With great pleasure we inform you that the Career Day will be held again this year, now in its 11th edition and organized in collaboration…
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This book explores the complexities of resistance to gentrification and displacement in Milan Chinatown, located in the Paolo Sarpi street neighborhood. Author Lidia Manzo delves…
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