
The Galileo Galilei Italian Institute organises different series of events, about both China and Italy:

SEMINARS – China Through the Telescope 

The Galileo Galilei Italian Institute organised, coordinates and moderates the research seminar series named China through the Telescope, concentrating on topics of strategic relevance to contemporary China in the areas of economy, business and policy.

Taking part in the seminars, are high-profile public and private institutions, such as the Italian Consulate General and the Italy-China Chamber of Commerce, banks, multinational enterprises and investment funds operating in Chongqing and in South-West China.

The seminars’ aim is to facilitate and strengthen synergies and dialogue about topics of shared interest between players who tend to work independently in a context of limited inter-sectorial communication. Starting with a presentation by an affirmed expert, the seminars lead to a Q&A session taking place in a familiar environment, encouraging an informal and participative debate.

Past seminars’ reports are available HERE.

CULTURAL EVENTS – Spreading Italian and Chinese culture in Pisa and Chongqing

Since its inauguration, thanks to its well-stocked film library, the Institute has organised in our Chongqing offices a number of cultural events and the projection of selected Italian movies, ranging from the classics of Italian film making (Fellini, De Sica, Visconti, etc.), to the latest productions. A movie club is currently meeting monthly.

The Galilei has also organized webinars and events on Chongqing Science Fiction literature, Italian Wine and food both in Pisa and Chongqing.

Check our past events HERE

WORKSHOPS – Italian culture, society and economy in Chongqing

The Institute organised workshops to promote and spread knowledge of the Italian culture in the Municipality of Chongqing. Each event focuses on a specific topic, testifying to the immense tangible and intangible cultural heritage of our country. Among the subjects chosen for the Chinese public are art, fashion, music, economy, sport and food.

Check our past events HERE



Special Event – CEAir On Air – Around the China-Italy Generation Z

Round Table – “A Case Study of Open Innovation in Additive Manufacturing. Research, Design Solutions and Business Development for a Circular Economy”

Webinar – The Italian Way of Wine 

Seminar – China since 100 Years of the Foundation of the CCP

Book Presentation – Black Swans over China

Webinar – 2020 CEAir Chinese and Italian Universities Seminar

Seasonal School – Issues on China introduced by our Director Alberto Di Minin