Chongqing Career Day

Chongqing Career Day

Thursday, June 23rd 2016 the China –Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Galileo Galilei Italian Institute, organised inside Chongqing University the Chongqing Career day….

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各位考生请注意: 2016年6月意大利语等级考试CILS将于本周四(6月9日)在重庆大学A区举行。现将有关考试事宜通知如下: 考试时间:6月9日 (全天) 上午8:30 前进考场 考试地点:重庆大学A区第二教学楼 (地址:重庆市沙坪坝区沙正街174号重庆大学A区老校区)。教室安排如下: A2-115教室,B1-116教室,C1-117教室。 考试注意事项:请考生带上身份证原件及黑色中性笔参加考试。 笔试考试只能用黑色中性笔答题或填写机读卡。 考试过程分为听力,阅读,语法,(15分钟休息),写作和口语。口语考试在下午举行,具体口语考试时间和地点请在上午笔试考试结束后询问监考教师。考试过程中严禁使用手机,字典等任何与考试相关的资料和工具,一经发现使用,将立即取消考试资格。考试过程中请将手机调至关机或静音状态。 考试选项请勿随意涂改,否则将有作弊嫌疑。如需涂改,请参见监考教师的涂改方法修改。请勿多处重复修改,保持卷面干净整洁。 再次提醒大家,请于本周四上午8:30前进入考场,重庆大学A区老校区第二教学楼115(A2),116(B1),117(C1)教室。迟到15分钟后将不允许进入考场,及自动取消考试资格。其他疑问,请来电咨询:02365112036  杨老师   祝大家考试顺利! 伽利略意大利中心 2016年06月06日 Please share:

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ChinaMed Business Program 2016

ChinaMed Business Program 2016

To become truly competitive in both the Euro-Mediterranean and Chinese job markets the ChinaMed Business Program (CMBP) is the place you need to be! The CMBP…

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Luca Raineri on China's presence and interests in West Africa

Luca Raineri on China’s presence and interests in West Africa

Luca Raineri is a PhD candidate at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. His work focus on the geopolitics of the Sahel region and on implausible borders in…

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CILS Examination -  December 3rd, 2015

CILS Examination – December 3rd, 2015

各位考生: 2015 年 12 月意大利语等级考试 CILS 将于本周四(12 月 3 日)在重庆大学 A 区举行。 现将有关考试事宜通知如下: 考试时间:12 月 3 日 (全天) 上午 8:30 前进考场 考试地点:重庆大学 A 区第八教学楼 (地址:重庆市沙坪坝区沙正街…

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Italian Cultural Events

Italian Cultural Events

Galileo Galilei Italian Institute, with the support of the School of International Education of Chongqing University, organizes monthly seminars to promote the knowledge of Italian…

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National Day

National Day

October 1st is the Chinese National Day (one of the seven legal holidays in China), the memorial day for the founding of the People’s Republic…

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