SSSUP and University of Pisa visit CQU

On March 29 and 30, headed by the Rector of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pierdomenico Perata, adelegation of professors from the Scuola and the University of Pisa, paid a visit to Chonqginq University (CQU).
The purpose of the visit was the reinforcement of the partnership between Chongqing Universityand the Scuola, the annual meeting of the Confucius Advisory Board, the celebration of the successful Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) joint program and the setting up of internship agreements forthe students of Scuola Superore Sant’Anna.


As a result, on March 29, three agreements for the implementation of internship programs were signedwith the Italian Consulate General in Chonqging, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the Sino-Italian joint venture SAIC-Iveco Hongyan. The ceremony was followed by the ‘DBA Italian Evening’, an aperitivo event hosted by DCafè, Italian coffee bar and restaurant situated in Campus A of CQU, not far from the GGII office. Participants included the students of the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) – now at itsthird edition – the members of the School of Economics and Business Administration (SEBA) of CQU, including the Dean of SEBA, Liu Xing, and the Co-Director of the French DBA, Jean-Jacques Chanaron, who is also Associate Dean and Scientific Director of the Doctoral School at Grenoble Ecole de Management.

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In the morning of March 30, an official meeting between the heads of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Chongqing University was conducted. The Rector Perata was received by the President of CQU, Ou Keping,the Vice President, Huang Zongming, and the Vice Dean of the School of International Education, Li Jing. Moreover, the Advisory board of Pisa’s Confucius Institute held a meeting, during which the activities andachievements of 2014/2015 academic year were illustrated, alongside with the working plan for the year2016.


In the afternoon, the Rector Pierdomenico Perata delivered a honorary lecture entitled ‘How plants adapt toflooding’ for the students of the Institute of Life Science of CQU and at the presence of the Dean, Li Zhengguo. At the end of the lecture, Prof Piero Tonutti made a presentation about the PhD programs offered to international students by the Scuola.


Thereafter, the Sant’Anna Phd Recruitment Corner took place. Professors belonging to the Institute of Law, Politics and Development, the Institute of Managementand the Institute of Life Sciences of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna met the CQU students willing to apply totheir respective doctoral programs, answering questions and conducting preliminary interviews.

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