GGII Activities - Participation to "China Science Slam 2021"

GGII Activities – Participation to “China Science Slam 2021”

This morning we had the honor to attend the event “EURAXESS China Science Slam 2021”, represented by Marco Bonaglia 博马克 as a member of the online jury. It was the sixth edition of the first Sino-European scientific talk where researchers compete to present their work in front of a non-expert audience.

The organizer of the event was EURAXESS China: its Country coordinators, Mister Halldór Berg Harðarson, and Miss Anna Facchinetti (former executive director of our Institute) were moderating the event respectively from Beijing and online. This year the event was joined by 6 excellent researchers: 3 Chinese researchers and 3 European researchers based in China.

The slam is a way to show the engaging and fascinating side of research to the wider public. Today’s slam presentations were done in a mixed format, using both Zoom and Virtual Reality, everything projected in the Zoom webinar. After watching the presentations, each of the jury members gave scores to each of the Science Slam presentations, and at the end one researcher was awarded the “China Science Slam” crown.

#galileiinstitute #ggiiactivities #euraxesschina #chinascienceslam

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