GGII BOOKS - We stay here

GGII BOOKS – We stay here

“China in Italy”, a bilingual magazine led by the Chinese writer Hu Lanbo, during these difficult months has collected the stories and experiences of 22 Chinese who have decided to stay in our country after the coronavirus pandemic. The stories have been included in the book titled “We stay here – How the Chinese community lived through the pandemic”, a collection that shows how friendship can be stronger than fear, and lead to cooperation, respect and love for our country.

The people involved in this project come from all over Italy, from Palermo to Turin, and they all have different jobs. Through their texts you can enter the Chinese community and see with your own eyes if it really is a “closed” community, as is often said. They have decided to stay in Italy during the pandemic and to keep investing their time and resources in our country, showing how friendship can be stronger than fear.

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