GGII EVENTS - Launch of the Photo Exhibition of Lorenzo Riccardi in Pisa!

GGII EVENTS – Launch of the Photo Exhibition of Lorenzo Riccardi in Pisa!

Last week we had the great pleasure to launch the photo exhibition titled “China – Country of Wonders” at “Caffè Letterario, Volta Pagina” of Pisa, co-organized by our Institute together with the Confucius Institute of Pisa and RsA – Asia Tax Advisors.
The exhibition is a selection of 14 wonderful pictures of the best and most beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Sites of China from the perspective of the author, Lorenzo Riccardi.
Riccardi during the pandemic had the chance to travel all over the People’s Republic of China, taking many flights, bullet trains, boats and buses to reach every corner of the “Middle Kingdom”.
The event saw the short introduction by Chinese Co-Director of the Confucius Institute of Pisa, Professor Huang Yunlin, traslated by Fabiana De Carlo and Marco Bonaglia. The exhibition will stay at “Caffè Letterario” until July 13th.
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