Knowledge transfer from Public Research in Italy: The experience of Netval
One definition for technology is the use of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems, especially in industry and commerce. When new technologies provide users better performances at a lower price than before, they possess a sustainable competitive advantage, and their commercialisation represents a good sold in the market. This is what we define a successful technology transfer. Technology transfer (TT) is a key driver in today’s economy, which is why knowledge transfer process is watched closely by public and private sector.
To discuss the process of knowledge transfer from public research, its deliverables and obstacles, GGII was pleased to welcome Andrea Piccaluga, Professor of Management and Delegate for TT of Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, and President of Netval, the Italian association for the valorisation of results from public research. As discussant at the roundtable, to highlight the potential synergies between Italy and China, we gladly welcomed Mr Lorenzo Gonzo, Scientific Councillor of the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing. Among the participants, representatives of the Science and Technology Commission of Chongqing Municipality, of different Schools of Chongqing University, Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology of CAS, Chongqing Zhaoguang Science and Technology Joint-Stock Company, and other key local enterprises. The seminar was chaired by Alberto Di Minin, Professor of Management of Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and GGII Director.
Keynote Speaker: Andrea Piccaluga
is Professor of Innovation Management at the Institute of Management of Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, where he is coordinator of the PhD programme in Management. He is President of the Italian network of University Technology Transfer Offices. He holds a PhD from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and a Master in Technology and Innovation Management from SPRU (University of Sussex, Brighton). He is Associate editor of the R&D Management Journal and Creativity and Innovation Management Journal. He collaborates with large and medium-sized companies in the field of Open Innovation and with the regional governments of Puglia and Tuscany in the field of policies for entrepreneurship and technology transfer. He has published books and papers in the field of R&D management and technology transfer.