Visit of our Director to Chongqing

Visit of our Director to Chongqing

Professor Di Minin and Mister Deng Hua

Our Director, Professor Alberto Di Minin, visited Chongqing from November 30th to December 2nd. During his stay, he had the chance to meet with Professors, entrepreneurs and public officials of Chongqing. He could strenghten the already excellent relations between Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa and Chongqing University.

On the first day, Professor Di Minin had the opportunity to meet with Mister Deng Hua, Chairman of Qinghe Investment company, who was a DBA student in Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. With Mister Deng and Professor Liu Wei (from Chongqing University), and the delegation of our Institute, he then visited the offices of the Liangjiang New Area in Yubei District, where he introduced the numbers and activites of the School to the presents.

Professor Di Minin in fron of the main building of Liangjiang New Area in Yubei District
The meeting in Liangjiang New Area
Professor Di Minin introduced the numbers of Sant’Anna School to the representatives of Liangjiang New Area
Sant’Anna: strenght in numbers
The Delegation of GGII and the representatives of Liangjiang New Area

Di Minin the day after met with Professor Liu Xin, Associate Dean of SEBA, in Chongqing University. He gave him a copy of its latest publication, titles “STEM, Pisa 2020”, where stories of innovation combined to research and human capital are collected.

Di Minin with Professor Liu Xin. He gave him his latest publication “STEM, Pisa 2020”

On the last day of his visit our Director then attended the “Asia-Europe Cooperation Dialogue Forum”, organized by “The European House – Ambrosetti” and “Boao Forum for Asia”. In the picture you can see the full Delegation of our Institute at Westin International Hotel, Chongqing.

The full GGII delegation
The speech of Former Secretary of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon
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